jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010

Chile 2010: What are my views on Chile's bicentennial year.

Well, I do not think that the anniversary of the two hundred years of the republican Chile means something. In fact, I believe that it must be, instead of a reason of celebration, a reason to raise consciousness in the people of the two hundred years in which the very sovereignty of the people has been ignored. A date, a year, a milestone to remember and don’t forget how our country has been developed, by what hands and wills, and what others has been left in the way.
First of all, I must say that I considerate myself a very ignorant person in this matter. Surely most people has a lot of better arguments to expose and defend this posture, but most of all, the main population of this country don’t know for sure how this nation functions, and don’t remember or even known the past of us.
Trough all the life of our country our north and destiny has been draw and directed by the oligarchy and the capitals inverted in this land. The noble ones, the patrician has ruled the country even in the attempts to make a popular republic or a socialist one, either by the congress or the guidelines of the constitution that always has been liberal. In fact, and to introduce one anecdote, I think have read (I could be wrong), that all the constitutions that the country has had have been born from military interventions, (and the only noble one has been the first, in the struggle to separate ourselves from Spain and become an independent and sovereign republic).
Today, our youth and ever the “young adults” does not seem interested in matters like this, does not seem to know anything about our history, and the abuses that our people has had to endure for decades. That’s one of the reasons that explain why we are like this at the present time: a sleepy and ignorant mace, that, like in the past, it is taken by the politics as fools that first, does not how to rule themselves, and even know what is best for them; and two, are deceived progressively to the point we have loose the guaranty of the basic supports to live: inconceivable in other lands.
So, to finish, I made a call to inform ourselves to the things that are happening all around us and the way that has occurred before to make ourselves a vision of how the things has happened and how they be really happening.

jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010

sabbatical yeaarar

Well, all my life I have wanted to have a sabbatical year, but for many reasons I haven’t taken one yet.
When I finished the secondary school, I told my parents that I wanted to take a year, but my father told me “fuck off”, that he would not tolerate a “lazy bastard” in his house. But I don’t understand! I’m as lazy as a non student unemployed hippie. And I’m still drinking his beer.
So as you can imagine, I’ve never have it. I’m in my third year of Psychology, and there’s two more years to come, if I don’t take any postgraduate or something to specialize myself. I also have thought of taking the sabbatical year now, but the truth is that I am twenty-two years old and I want to finish my career as soon as possible. Maybe when I’ll go trough all this, I could do something.
So…if I ever take gap year, I would work for 6 months, take several classes of, I don’t know, singing, French; I would practice climbing or another sport; and then, the other 6 months (of course this division of time can vary) I would travel…around many countries of South America, or for a couple of countries of Europe, depending on the money I collect…anyway, if for many reasons I don’t get to have the sufficient amount of money, I can always ask for a little monetary help from my parents.
But, after all this, and thinking it well, I’m starting to believe that I would never do it. I’m thinking over going to some European country in those exchange programs to work, and get to know, travel, and also live independently in another country to know how it is.

jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010


I think myself as environmentally friendly but not environmentally partner.
You’ll see. I’ve always thought about the exploitation of the planet and the natural resources, and of course, the excess of pollution. However, to put it clearly, I believe that the global warming is a lie. I don’t think that it is not happening, in fact, it is, but I think that’s the natural course of the earth and her natural cycles of thousand of millions of years. Just to know, the main producers of Co2 in the planet are not us! there are not our industries with 150 years old, it’s the cows excrements.
Well, returning to the subject, and as I said in the first paragraph, and although I don’t believe in “the main consequences that we all have extendedly heard of”, I’m worried about the exploitation of the land, the deforestation of the jungles and the destruction of the animal habitats anywhere, because It’s just awful and inconceivable situation. People and their abject minds usually think their condition is superior to other species, including flora. But they know nothing. We are nothing alone, and all in conjunction. We’ll die with the explosive death of some species, and we are continuously encouraging and provoking it! All this just for small, worthless and selfish interests of a reduced numbers of son of a gun.
So, to make real changes we need radical measures. Consciousness must emerge, but media won’t help and neither the holders of the power.
I think the change must come from the expansion of the awareness between us, horizontally, and between peers. And why do I think myself as environmentally friendly but not environmentally partner? Well, because I’m not picking any garbage from the floor and throwing it into special dumps. Also, I don’t belong to any environmental organization, and I wouldn’t have a car, I’m a bicycle person… but not because its “healthier”, it’s because I like it.
Recently I’ve thought of making compost, but I’m a lazy person I haven’t done it yet. My yard isn’t very big so also I’ve had some troubles to choose the part where I’m going to put it. In my house, by the way, they recycle everything: glass, cardboards, plastic and cans. So, I’m not an activist, but I work in function of my beliefs.
The End!!

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010


My weekend was crazy enough. Both days, Friday and Saturday i went out with some of my ex classmates from the early days in school, for not to mencion Sunday. The Friday we went to the house of a lady friends of one of my friends, near to the Simon Bolivar Metro, who is, by the way, a very idiot person, and we were partying until 6 when we were kicked up by her noble and calm personality, ending some of us and because of that, in another friends house...
After that, more drinks and a couple of little fights whit non bad feelings involved, i arrive to my place near 8 o’clock, and no one notice it. So in the afternoon my mother was histeric because i lost my celphone that night too and she couldnt keep in touch with me, non of my friends know either were i really was so everyone tought that i was half dead in some corner of santiasco.

But i just was sleeping in my room!

Then the next day we party in a friends house near to Metro Los Orientales, and that...we make some scandal, but we dindt practice any kind of vandalism.

So, why i consider this a wild wekend? In fact, i dont. And why? Because it has some factors that are “piantes” for not to say “wild” (its to “nerd” or “snob” if we dont forget our chilean origins jajajajaj) but the are not all reunited to make it memorable: the both days i have lagoons wich i dont remember what happend, there was some violence that still cost me my beloved elbow, i was tought dead and i lost my cellphone only becouse that kind of things happens to me, and a lot, a lot of alcohol and maybe, we will never know, illigal drugs jajaja (...no, we will never do that :O).

Lets going to be "autodidactas"

This news is about how a project has helped some childrens, beyond any interracial or economic differences, to learn alone, without a teachers or guides supervision.
Mostly, in remotes areas, the quality of the education is traced by the attitude and the quality of the teachers. But there are, and always will be, places where good teachers dont want to go. So, this is where computers and the technology come in.
Laptops, powerpoint, and LCD projectors were invented in a first place for corporate boardrooms and rich companys. Then the teachers borrowed this technology, what was one time judged to be over-hyped and under-performing....but maybe because it was being used in the wrong places.
So this experiment, that the media called the "hole-in-the-wall" project, was about taking this computers that were designed to be used by 6- to 15-year-old children, free of charge and free of any supervision, and brought it to some of the remotest locations in India, Cambodia and Africa.
In the first five years of the experiment, the results showed that groups of children can teach themselves to use a computer and the internet, irrespective of who or where they are; what language they speak and of whether they go to school or not. Ten years later, a girl in rural Maharashtra is studying aeronautical engineering and a village boy became a genetic engineer following their encounters with the computers in “the wall”.
So, groups of children, given the appropriate digital infrastructure, a safe and free environment, and a friendly but not knowledgeable mediator, can pass school-leaving exams on their own. Teachers need to be trained to design simple questions that will evoke curiosity and interest while their gently nudging a group into the curriculum. Then, they can sit back and admire how learning happens.


jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010


I’m not going to tell you about the last movie that I saw, that by the way, was a very, very good movie: J’ai tué ma mere, the prime opera of Xavier Dolan, a twenty-year old French director who won the Revelation Prize of Cannes 2009 with this film. Actually, I’m going to tell you about the movie that I’ve liked the most these past few weeks: Old Boy, a SouthKorean film directed by Chaan-wook Park, the second of his trilogy of vengeance, and premiered in 2003. This movie won the Grand Jury Prize in Cannes in 2004, and many other trophies around the world
Well, I can’t say much of the movie because if you know how the plot develops it will lose all the greatness that the movie has and believe me, it has it in tons.
Oh-De sue, played by Choi Min-Sik, is a middle-aged guy that’s weirdly kidnapped, in fact, from nothing, he just disappears. After this, he is kept in something that looks like a hotel room, with a bath, a desk, a tv and a bed, during fifteen years without knowing why…and then, suddenly, and also without any reason, he’s released and he is told by a phone call that has to discover the reason of his captivity in five days…
In that journey, he meets Mido, a young girl, played by Gang Hye-Jung, who helps him to discover that reason. He also reunites with an old friend, Park Cheol-woong, played by Oh Dal-Su, who helps him too and, finally, meets his anonymous nemesis, No Joo-hwan, played by Chi Dae-Han.
The movie is really a masterpiece. The photograph is perfect, and some associations between the scenes are just awesome, passing from one to another trough elements that are related but you will never expect it until it happens. And, of course, the leitmotiv is the crudest and the most complex vengeance that you could ever devise: The ultimate vengeance.
You must see it.

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010


Hi, on this “patriotic” holiday I was mostly in Santiago and in El Canelo. To be more precise I passed the week in Santiago and the weekend in the beach… and it wasn’t something odd for me.
In fact, every year my family goes there so I can’t say that was a special trip or a special family moment. Also I can’t really say when I and my family started going there to spend the long weekends… I must have been very small. We don’t own a house there, so we always rent a very nice house…always the same house.
So, to continue the story, this 18th of September my brother cooked a big barbecue, we drank the whole day and play “cacho”…a very normal routine hahaha. But, to tell the truth, I get bored easily in that kind of dynamics because my family isn’t good for laughing and sometimes the things don’t flow...but its not that the moods there were tense or aggressive or something. They are more like a flash of loud laughs but not a continuum distention environment.
That was the afternoons of the two days, Saturday and Sunday, because we came back on Monday. In the night, I went out alone with some friends of mine. First at a friend’s house in El Quisco, and the next day to the very well known Algarrobo’s Fondas.
And that’s my subject: the Fondas. I don’t know why I go there. In fact, I do it almost every year for inertia, just for the fact to go there as a kind of completing the journey. And the reality is that they’re really detestable if you’re alone. The thing it’s to go with a lot of friends so you can bear the people, but even that it’s enough.
This year was amazing… the fondas were completely crowded of annoying “cuicos”, and I can’t stand that kind of people. They all were too much pretentious, their talks are insubstantial and you can’t even touch them if you’re dancing…
So…in conclusion...I’m tired of Algarrobo. Don’t go there if you’re not with friends.