jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010


I think myself as environmentally friendly but not environmentally partner.
You’ll see. I’ve always thought about the exploitation of the planet and the natural resources, and of course, the excess of pollution. However, to put it clearly, I believe that the global warming is a lie. I don’t think that it is not happening, in fact, it is, but I think that’s the natural course of the earth and her natural cycles of thousand of millions of years. Just to know, the main producers of Co2 in the planet are not us! there are not our industries with 150 years old, it’s the cows excrements.
Well, returning to the subject, and as I said in the first paragraph, and although I don’t believe in “the main consequences that we all have extendedly heard of”, I’m worried about the exploitation of the land, the deforestation of the jungles and the destruction of the animal habitats anywhere, because It’s just awful and inconceivable situation. People and their abject minds usually think their condition is superior to other species, including flora. But they know nothing. We are nothing alone, and all in conjunction. We’ll die with the explosive death of some species, and we are continuously encouraging and provoking it! All this just for small, worthless and selfish interests of a reduced numbers of son of a gun.
So, to make real changes we need radical measures. Consciousness must emerge, but media won’t help and neither the holders of the power.
I think the change must come from the expansion of the awareness between us, horizontally, and between peers. And why do I think myself as environmentally friendly but not environmentally partner? Well, because I’m not picking any garbage from the floor and throwing it into special dumps. Also, I don’t belong to any environmental organization, and I wouldn’t have a car, I’m a bicycle person… but not because its “healthier”, it’s because I like it.
Recently I’ve thought of making compost, but I’m a lazy person I haven’t done it yet. My yard isn’t very big so also I’ve had some troubles to choose the part where I’m going to put it. In my house, by the way, they recycle everything: glass, cardboards, plastic and cans. So, I’m not an activist, but I work in function of my beliefs.
The End!!

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello!
    I don't agree with you, I don't think global warming is a lie, I know that climate change is inevitable but that process has accelerated since the industrial revolution and emissions of gases that resulted.
    I see you, bye!

  2. Well it's actually a controversial theory!!
