jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010

Chile 2010: What are my views on Chile's bicentennial year.

Well, I do not think that the anniversary of the two hundred years of the republican Chile means something. In fact, I believe that it must be, instead of a reason of celebration, a reason to raise consciousness in the people of the two hundred years in which the very sovereignty of the people has been ignored. A date, a year, a milestone to remember and don’t forget how our country has been developed, by what hands and wills, and what others has been left in the way.
First of all, I must say that I considerate myself a very ignorant person in this matter. Surely most people has a lot of better arguments to expose and defend this posture, but most of all, the main population of this country don’t know for sure how this nation functions, and don’t remember or even known the past of us.
Trough all the life of our country our north and destiny has been draw and directed by the oligarchy and the capitals inverted in this land. The noble ones, the patrician has ruled the country even in the attempts to make a popular republic or a socialist one, either by the congress or the guidelines of the constitution that always has been liberal. In fact, and to introduce one anecdote, I think have read (I could be wrong), that all the constitutions that the country has had have been born from military interventions, (and the only noble one has been the first, in the struggle to separate ourselves from Spain and become an independent and sovereign republic).
Today, our youth and ever the “young adults” does not seem interested in matters like this, does not seem to know anything about our history, and the abuses that our people has had to endure for decades. That’s one of the reasons that explain why we are like this at the present time: a sleepy and ignorant mace, that, like in the past, it is taken by the politics as fools that first, does not how to rule themselves, and even know what is best for them; and two, are deceived progressively to the point we have loose the guaranty of the basic supports to live: inconceivable in other lands.
So, to finish, I made a call to inform ourselves to the things that are happening all around us and the way that has occurred before to make ourselves a vision of how the things has happened and how they be really happening.

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