lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010

In this point of my life, i would not be capable of define myself as fan of any special tipe of music or specific band, because i just love the whole concept of music, and i cannot choose something that represents, in a fragmented way, only a part of this abstract world of infinit sound mixes, so i have to aspire to the all in my search of the perfect representation of my body-mental-and emotional state in the moment, because its that notion, the all, the one who really fits to everyone at any moment, and makes music so special as a way of expression. i necessarily have to choose, then, any rhythm, any melody that moves me at that present time. But only for you, my dear classmates, y will tell you about the band that, in my naive adolescence and no-knoledge of the music as a whole, non fragmented human expression, i proclaim as my favourite: Dream Theater.

Dream Theater its a progressive rock band from usa. The band was formed in 1985 by three of the members, who were classmates in the prestigius music school called Berklee: John Petrucci, guitar, John Myung, bass, and Mike Portony, drums. The other “instruments”, as the keys, has been occupied by the talented Kevin Moore first, Derek Sherinian, and the actual one, Jordan Rudde; and the vocals has been in the power of Chirs Collins with almost null participation, then Charlie Dominici, who only reach the album debut, and at last one, the actual singer, James Labrie, from Canada.

They’re a very famous band and recognized as one of the best progressive bands in the world. Beside, some of their member are now some of the most influential musicians in the world. Their first album was called When dream and days unite”, realeased in 1989, and their latest release was in June of 2009, Black clouds and silver linings, completing 11 studio albums, plus a few live albums, and 20 years of succesuful carrer.

The topics of their music are extensive, from personal troubles to human dilemas, and love to nonsenses.

They have come to chile in 3 different times, i have seen them twice, the first time was the 6 of dicember of 2005, here, in santiago, in the most crowded dream theaters concert ever, with 20.000 music maniacs; and the second one, in 2008. The last time that they came was this year... but i dindt want to pay for it.

martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

ive had some troubles to find what was my favourite piece of technology, my favourite artefact
of all the artefacts made in all the years in all the cultures that has existed all over the world, since the men-monkey of kubric discovered the awesome tool, or killing tool, the mythic bone. Jaja..but i dont know why it cost me so much to figure it out, because in fact, later, i was really easy to realize: its the portable music reproductor, of anytipe, any form, any size. since the cassette, passing trough the cd walkam, reaching to to the mp3s.

i just-cant-live-without it. The music for me, forgetting the fact that im not a musician, its very much the half of my life: listen it the whole day, and enjoy it, and sing it… when im not with my music life its more gray. but the bad thing its that im a very destructive and absent-minded person, so ive had, trough all my life, many music players, but ive lost them, or someone has stolen them to me, thats the unforgiven end of all complex pieces of technology that comes to my hands. The same happens with my headphones, they just broke everytime!, its like if i had a curse for me not to touch a practice and useful instrument… but, otherwise, i think that it really happens because i use them religiosly everyday.

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

martes, 4 de mayo de 2010


First of all, i admire his poetry, not him. I think that no one decerves the admiration of someone, because the hole entity will never be to good for the responsability that means the admiration, but, some qualities, or talents, yes, they could be. I also think the same of the devotion.
Nothing, noone, and any kind of being even animals or characters decerves debotion. Admiration and debotion could perfectly mean blindness if it is not granted wisely, and, for as i say, maybe somone wise will never do it.

So, Neruda was the greatest poet of this country. Some maybe will not agree, but, even, some others could increse that statement, saying that he was the greatest poet of the world.
Born in Parral in 1904, he started his creation very soon in his life, reaching his highest recognition winning the nobel of literature. He also took many political charges like ambassador in many countries, and other things. But, of course, Neruda is his poetry.

The thing that i love the most of his poetry are the universality of his verses, the wide and complex composition of the metaphors, the way that, reading him, you can related things that usually you will never be able to, in the dayli life.

the most freak gift i ever received

the most unusual, or this time, freak gift i ever received its a magnetic board for playing this fun-killing time chinese game (i think) game called sudoku. i usually spend some time of my classes resolving sudoku problems, but a magnetic board for that its just to much.

the always rare and disarranged girlfiriend of my always nice and beloved brother give it to me in christmas eve.

when i realize what it was i said to myself...what?! who can bought this! this is the tipe of thing that no one can care about! and they are always forgotten in some corner of "house & ideas"! consuming itself!!!!!!!! and being piss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jajaja. Well, i didn't expect anything else, or more, from her really. But it just was so freak, for sure my face couldn't take it... jajaj. Its like, the only thing that those kinds of presents can do its to corroborate that the one who gives it to you doesnt know you at all, and dont care about you either: more protocolar can not be, and who doesnt hate the formal ways of being and do things.